Spotlight on International Partner Societies

This year, Congress organizers are pleased to partner with many international ophthalmic societies in curating an innovative scientific program. Our thanks to the following societies for their generous support of the 2018 APAO Congress in Hong Kong.


The Academia Ophthalmologica Internationalis (AOI) is a university-centered international organization committed to excellence in education, research and medical services to preserve and restore vision.

Active membership in AOI is limited to 100 Chairs, who are formally nominated and elected by the membership to fill a specific Chair once it becomes vacant. An ophthalmologist who has been engaged in the study, research or practice of ophthalmology for at least 15 years and who has published not less than 100 scientific papers, reports or books is eligible to be nominated for membership. Currently, the AOI President is Dr. Gullapalli N. Rao, who is also an APAO Councilor-at-Large.


The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) advances research worldwide into understanding the visual system and preventing, treating and curing its disorders.

With about 12,000 members from over 75 countries, ARVO is the largest and most respected eye and vision research organization in the world. Dr. Claude F. Burgoyne is the current president of the ARVO Board of Trustees.


The European Association for Vision and Eye Research (EVER) aims to encourage research and the dissemination of knowledge concerning the eye and vision by means of meetings, publications and exchange of information.

Covering all areas of ophthalmology and visual sciences, EVER is the leading ophthalmological research association in Europe, with more than 850 members from 48 countries. At present, the EVER President is Dr. Andrew Dick of Bristol.