Abstract Awards

For the first time at APAO 2018, the APAO Congress will present abstract awards to more than 50 distinguished recipients! These prizes will be awarded for outstanding contributions to the submitted program, as outlined below.

    • Best Scientific Paper Presentation* (selected by abstract reviewers) for each of the clinical subspecialties in the submitted program. To assure that everyone participating shall have a fair and equal chance to be awarded a prize, the number of prizes for each subspecialty will be determined based on the number of submissions.
      • 1 prize for 1-50 submissions in each subspecialty
      • 2 prizes for 51-100 submissions in each subspecialty
      • 3 prizes for 101-150 submissions in each subspecialty
      • 4 prizes for 151+ submissions in each subspecialty
    • Most Popular Posters (5 awards chosen by Congress delegates using poster voting stickers inserted into delegate bags)
    • Most Popular E-Posters (5 awards based on number of views)
    • Most Popular Videos (5 awards based on number of views)

*In each subspecialty, the 2nd, 3rd and 4th prizes (where applicable) will be entitled Outstanding Scientific Paper Presentations.